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Last updated: March 7, 2023

We are continually striving to improve our system by releasing new and high-quality features. The following list displays the new features that we are currently working on or have planned to implement as soon as possible.

  • Statsignal launch
    Make Statsignal public.

  • Custom Alerts Custom alerts will give you more options for setting your alert trigger and specifying different types of recipients, such as Slack, SMS, or phone calls

  • Allow customizing HTTP methods and headers in HTTP monitors
    Allow specifying HTTP method and headers in HTTP monitors. Currently, HTTP monitors check the target website using the HEAD method, or GET if HEAD is not available. This enhanced feature will let you specify any other HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, PATCH). In addition, you will be able to send custom headers in HTTP requests.

  • Allow checking a specific response from HTTP monitors
    Check a specific response from HTTP monitors. This feature enables checking the body or head of HTTP monitor responses.

  • Allow using monitor and groups on the same status page Currently, the Status Page doesn't allow mixing groups and monitors on the same Status Page, but that will be possible with this feature.

  • Reporters A reporter, unlike a monitor, will only report the status of any system; however, its status will be updated via the Statsignal API.

  • Embedded status Allow embedding the status of your monitor in any webpage

  • Heartbeat monitoring Heartbeat monitoring is a technique used to check if a server or service is running and responsive by sending periodic messages and checking for a response. If no response, an alert is generated.

  • Custom event description
    Allow setting a custom description for any status event.

  • Messages
    With messages, it will be possible to report any event or incident related to your monitors or system. For example, reporting future maintenance or upgrade.

Statsignal - Uptime monitoring and status page | Product Hunt
Statsignal is designed and built by 19 Signals LLC. Copyright ©2021 19 Signals LLC. All rights reserved.